It has been a VERY long time since I have written anything on here! Almost 2 years to be exact.
Two years ago, on February 20, we found out that Reid's cancer had returned. The Facebook Memories feature is such a blessing and a curse to me. A lot of the posts are hard to see. But I love to look back and see the things that God has done in our lives.
Two friends both texted me today to say that memories of Reid's surgery from two years ago had popped up on their Facebook Memories today. It means so much for people to remember with us the good works that God has done in Reid's life over the last two years. And yesterday another friend texted me a picture of her reminder on her phone that she is still praying for Reid monthly. The ways in which you remember my family blow me away!
On February 20, 2014, we had traveled to Memphis with Reid in excruciating pain. He was on Morphine around the clock. Lance and I both KNEW that his tumor had returned, but you always hope against hope that there could possibly be good news. February 2014 was supposed to be his 1 year check up from finishing chemo the first time. Instead of being a time of celebrating, we were facing a time of grief like none I had known up until this point. The first time that Reid was diagnosed in July 2012, the prognosis was good. In February 2014, two doctors whom we had come to know and love and trust with our child's life, told us that Reid's chances of living were MAYBE 20%. How? How do you recover from these words?
Two years ago today, after the LONGEST WEEKEND of waiting ever, Reid had surgery for the second time in his life to remove cancer from his body. The doctors had told us that for ANY chance of survival, the entire thing had to be removed. There could not be one trace of the tumor left in his body. After the surgery was over, the doctor and his nurse talked to Lance and me and told us that everything that he could see had been removed. They told us that an MRI would be scheduled for the next day to make sure that nothing had been left behind. We told the doctor and nurse of the prayer meeting that had been held at Istrouma to pray specifically for Reid and for Dr. Wilson. He choked back tears. You have to know this man to know how incredible this was. His nurse was moved to tears.
And so the prayers of God's faithful friends in our life both near and far is the HOW we have recovered. A series of miracles took place from that day forward that are just too hard to put into words. Miraculously, about 2 weeks later, we found out that Reid had a completely different type of cancer than he had the first time. Words escaped all of us when we heard the news. But God knew. God knew that is how Reid's ultimate healing would take place. That even though when I heard that he would have chemo for 40 LONG marathon-like weeks, and I thought that I might die right then and there, this is how God was going to bring the healing. And then when I heard that Reid and I would have to live in Memphis for 6 weeks over the summer, and I thought, but HOW, I can't do this on my own! Once again, the prayers of God's people helped us all through the longest year of my life.
And now, one year later, we have been told that he is CANCER FREE! And we have nothing but praise on our lips. We just can't believe what a MIRACLE we have received. And I want you to know that if you have ever met my child, you have met a living, breathing MIRACLE! He was never supposed to be born according to the doctors. (At least not without some kind of medical intervention....but he WAS!) Reid is going to be 7 on March 23! He came into the world big and strong! And he continues to be a miracle to this day! And we are so honored that God chose us to be his parents and to witness this miracle on earth!
Yesterday, my memory from Facebook was the prayer meeting at Istrouma. So many of you gathered to pray for our son while we were 6 hours away. At the same time, some of you traveled to be with us in Memphis and sit with us during the surgery and pray and pray some more. So many of you brought us food, and mailed us gift cards, and mailed Reid gifts while we were in Memphis. And the thanks can never be enough! Thank you again and again for being the hands and feet of Jesus in our lives!
And during these last two years, some of our St. Jude friends have lost their precious children. And the WHY's never stop. And you wonder, how have we escaped the same fate? And you pray and never stop praying for God to spare your child. And your heart never stops breaking for the precious babies who die EVERY SINGLE DAY!
A lot of times, I will hear people say "God is so good" when there is good news to report. Isn't it so hard to say "God is so good" when there is bad news? So many times I have thought, is God good even in the bad times? I have to say yes. We have witnessed it over and over again the the last 3 years and 8 months since Reid was originally diagnosed. I love these verses, and I pray that no matter what, these words would be on my lips."If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.” Daniel 3:17-18

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