Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

I LOVE the Candlelight Christmas Eve service at church. It's my favorite thing about Christmas. It is a peaceful time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. When all of the candles are lit, the sanctuary is so beautiful!

Reid was ready to go into "big" church with us. We told him that he was going to get a candle. He was so excited about that! It was so funny! He had a death grip on that candle after we gave it to him!

The service was packed so much that they had to bring in chairs for people to sit. After the service was over, we went to my parents' house for Christmas Eve celebrating with my side of the family!

Montezuma 2011

I often joke and say that Wyatt throws up if the wind blows in the wrong direction. That child has been sick with a stomach virus more times than I can count! Reid was sick ONCE before when he had just turned 1. Wyatt got it first, then Lance and then Reid.

Fast forward to Wednesday, December 14th, 4 a.m. Reid woke up screaming in his bed. I ran in there and discovered that I "thought" he had thrown up. I'll spare the details, I just wasn't 100% sure! He threw up 2 more times after that, and then the D-word started! I was so sad that he was so pitiful and sick, but I was equally as sad that he was missing his Christmas program at M.D.O. and his Christmas party. He was such a ham at his end of the year program in May. I was SO looking forward to his Christmas program.

Thursday, at 4 p.m., I started with the sickness, and then Friday at 4 p.m. Wyatt started. Wyatt missed playing the piano at a local nursing home on Saturday. Our Christmas festivities were not going according to plan; however, by the grace of the Lord, Lance was spared.

After we all were better, Reid started with a nasty cough and runny nose. I took him to the doctor on Monday, December 19 because I thought he had strep. He had no appetite, and he has had strep 2 other times, so it seemed similar. He did not have strep, and she thought he might have pneumonia. So we went for a chest x-ray, and found out later that afternoon that he did NOT have pneumonia. Therefore, he had a "viral" infection which means NO ANTIBIOTICS!!! I was beside myself. I even tried calling back the next day to get an antibiotic over the phone. Christmas was coming, and we didn't have time to be sick.

Fast forward to Thursday, December 22. Reid woke up, and drank his coffee milk and ate breakfast as usual. He still was acting sick, so I was beyond frustrated! Then about 15 minutes later, he started SCREAMING, "my ear hurts!" He screamed and cried for about 30 minutes. Then the Advil kicked in, and he was better! Got an 8:45 doctor's appointment, and it was confirmed that he had an ear infection in his right ear. I have never been SO GLAD to hear the words "ear infection" in my life! That meant I could get an antibiotic for my sick miserable baby who is NEVER sick. The last time he had an ear infection was December 2009!

He perked up after the first dose of antibiotic, and we were able to move forward with our Christmas celebrations:)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stationery card

Christ Wishes Religious Christmas Card
Send Christmas cards personalized with your family photos.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

O Christmas Tree

My sweet friend came and helped me decorate my tree! I am so thankful! I DREAD it every year, and it has been so nice to have it done EARLY and BEAUTIFULLY this year!

Now, it's time to wrap some gifts! But what if Reid unwraps them? I should probably wait!

Thanksgiving 2011

I am so behind on this blog. We did our normal Thanksgiving here. We went to Lance's mom's on Thanksgiving for lunch. My parents went to New Orleans to my cousin's house, so we did not see them on Thursday. Getting a decent picture of the 2 year old is nearly impossible lately. And the ones I do get are usually mid "cheese".

The 10 year old doesn't mind having his picture taken. Here he is with his favorite dog Heidi. She is my mother-in-law's dog, but everyone in my family (except ME) wants her to live with us. Even my mother-in-law wants her to live with us. Lance and Wyatt left on Friday to go to the camp in MS. So, it was just Reid and me for the rest of the weekend.

Reid wore this outfit to church the Sunday after Thanksgiving! The weekend before he had nasty nose, so he didn't get to go. I didn't fail to notice that SEVERAL kids had their first of many Christmas outfits on while Reid was sporting the turkeys! LOL!

Like I said, getting a decent picture of him is NEARLY impossible!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Today my baby boy is 2 1/2 years old! I really wish that someone would slow the time down. 30 months have passed since he was born, and it literally feels like yesterday! In the same time period that has passed, he will be 5! Oh my gosh!!!

We went to the doctor last Friday for flu shots, and Reid got his MMR because I have done the delayed/staggered vaccination schedule with him. He weighed 32 pounds. I am not sure about his height. I need to measure him soon. He also wears a size 9 1/2 shoe!!! He is wearing mostly 3T clothing.

Wyatt was with us because he was out of school last Friday. He weighed at the doctor's office for fun and weighed 68 pounds! He also got a flu shot and didn't even flinch! Reid on the other hand....lots of crying followed!

He started back to MDO in the 2's class on September 7th! He goes two days a week. He fusses every day saying "I don't want to go to school." But his teacher says he LOVES it and smiles all day long!!!

He has been fully potty-trained (except for a diaper at night) for about a month now. He pretty much did it on his own, and I couldn't be more proud!!!

Things he loves at 2 1/2:
* bulldozers, excavators, and all heavy equipment
* Curious George
* cars, trains and airplanes (anything with wheels)
* candy (he is a candy HOG!)
* his MOMMA!!!
* going places to look at toys (especially Target)
* Chick fil A (he loves to play on the playground)
* being outside....his favorite thing in the world!!!
* the blanket and lovie!!! I think we will have those FOREVER :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

He's Got Lips

Somewhere along the way, I realized that Reid had these lips! They are not his momma's lips (i.e. I have none to speak of). I never really paid attention to my husband's lips, but then we found a baby pic of him, and I realized where the lips came from! He has his Daddy's lips!

I always make fun of my husband when he does something that requires concentration because he "pooches" out his lips. He can be helping me in the kitchen or typing on the computer. The lips come out! LOL! So, the other day Reid was playing with the hose. He started spraying the windows, and out of nowhere, he started doing the "lip pooch". I ran inside to get the camera. Hilarious!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

Brotherly Aggravation

Wyatt has come to realize that he knows just how to aggravate Reid. It aggravates this momma the MOST! He has gotten in trouble A LOT lately for said aggravating. My husband took Wyatt and Reid to the airport this morning. Wyatt videoed this encounter of said aggravation while they were there.

Why yes Wyatt, being around airplanes can be dangerous. See Exhibit A.

Wyatt went to the ER for the first time when he was 5 after being at the airport with my hubby. Wyatt ran into an airplane propeller while running around with some other kids. It could have been much worse. A plastic surgeon stitched him up, and you seriously can't even see the scar. Thank goodness for fellow pilots who are also plastic surgeons!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Daddy and Donuts

This morning on the way to bring Wyatt to school, Reid starting screaming about wanting a doughnut! We NEVER go through the drive thru to get doughnuts, so I'm not sure what triggered that thought. Anyway, I did my best diversion technique, and it worked:)

My husband left early this morning before we all go up. He came home at about 9:00 a.m. to do some work on the computer. Sometimes, when he leaves early, he goes to a doughnut place nearby that puts their doughnuts in these little white bags. When Reid sees a little white bag, he knows his Daddy has brought him a doughnut. Well, when Lance came in at 9:00, he had a white bag! Reid was so excited!

Thanks Daddy for saving the morning:)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

4th Grade

Wyatt started 4th grade on August 10th! So unbelievable! When I downloaded these pics, I couldn't BELIEVE how old he looks! WOW!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wyatt Turned Double Digits

Wyatt turned 10 on July 11th. Yes, I am just now getting around to this post. His birthday was on a Monday, but we started celebrating on the Thursday before and continued on throughout the weekend. When Monday rolled around, I was ready for the partying to be over:)

Two years ago Wyatt had his birthday party at Dixie Landin'. Last year he had a slumber party. He wanted another slumber party this year, and I said, "NO WAY!" Our house set up is not conducive to slumber parties!!! So, I talked him into Dixie Landin' again. We meet at the Sonic right across the street from Dixie Landin' for dinner and cupcakes.

Friday night we went to Lance's mom's for spaghetti (Wyatt's favorite) and birthday cake!
Saturday I don't think we did anything, and on Sunday we went to my parents' house for lunch and cookie cake! Finally on Monday, Wyatt had 2 friends spend the night. So, he had a FULL and very FUN 10th birthday! Hey, you only turn double digits ONCE!!! My #1 boy is growing up too fast!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cake

We went to some friends' house Sunday evening. She made this cake for dessert. It is in my oven right now because I am slightly obsessed with it now. Do yourself a favor, and make it for you and your loved ones!

Chocolate Chip Cake
1 box yellow cake mix
1 small box instant chocolate pudding
1 small box instant vanilla pudding
1/2 cup oil
1 1/2 cups water
6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

Mix the first 5 ingredients. Fold in chocolate chips. Pour into a greased and floured Bundt pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

I will post a picture when it is completed! Now, what am I going to have for dinner??

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Grand Isle 2011

We went to Grand Isle with our friends Charlie and Onnie for Father's Day weekend. Onnie and I went up early on Thursday without the husbands. Our car was PACKED out with luggage and all 5 kids! It was an interesting ride:)

Lance and Charlie came on Friday after work, and they couldn't get there FAST enough! Reid was fascinated with this outdoor shower! I think he would have stayed in there ALL day if I had let him.

Surfing in the baby pool

Digging a hole to China

Lounging around the camp

The weekend was fun! It's good to get away even only for a few days!

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Day At The Airport--Part 1

We went to the airport the other day, and it was raining. It actually made it bearable to be outdoors! I documented these on Lance's iphone using Hipstamatic:)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Orange Beach 2011

For the third time in 1 1/2 years, we stayed at Phoenix West with my parents and some of my family. We love Phoenix West because it is on the beach, has a lazy river, a water slide and a pool all within easy walking distance of one another. Reid was definitely a beach bum. He loved the beach. We stayed on the 24th floor, and he loved being out on the balcony! It freaked this momma out, but he loved the sights from way up high!

My niece Madison went, and Wyatt brought his friend as well. It was a really fun time. We stayed from Tuesday through Sunday. That's the longest we have ever stayed at the beach, but I loved every second of it! Reid is a handful, but usually either my mom or Lance would stay up in the room with him while he napped. That gave me 2 hours of "me" time.

We tried to go to Lulu's one evening to eat. The wait was over 1 hour. The kids had fun (as usual) playing in the sand. But once we were seated, I had reached "maximum capacity", and Lance and I both agreed it was time to take Reid back to the condo. We called in a to go order at the Shrimp Basket, and we picked it up and went back to the room. Reid feel asleep right after he ate. Wyatt and his friend stayed behind, and my parents brought them back after they ate. Lulu's added a crazy bungee cord climbing apparatus outside. Wyatt immediately wanted to do it. So, my child who used to be completely fearful of heights climbed and climbed. It was fun for him.

Reid absolutely loved the sand! It did my heart good because anyone who knows Wyatt knows that HATE is a mild word for how he felt about the sand when he was young up until about the last year or two. Wyatt also decided that he loved being in the water this year. He spent lots of time hanging out in the surf!

I didn't have it in me to get a family pic on the beach. We just recently took family pics, so I didn't feel TOO guilty! But we got one pic of us. There are three different takes, and we aren't all looking at the camera in any of them. Wyatt looks mad in this one, but he wasn't. In the next take he is smiling! Here's to trying to document all of life's moments! LOL!