Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I am so behind on this blog. We did our normal Thanksgiving here. We went to Lance's mom's on Thanksgiving for lunch. My parents went to New Orleans to my cousin's house, so we did not see them on Thursday. Getting a decent picture of the 2 year old is nearly impossible lately. And the ones I do get are usually mid "cheese".

The 10 year old doesn't mind having his picture taken. Here he is with his favorite dog Heidi. She is my mother-in-law's dog, but everyone in my family (except ME) wants her to live with us. Even my mother-in-law wants her to live with us. Lance and Wyatt left on Friday to go to the camp in MS. So, it was just Reid and me for the rest of the weekend.

Reid wore this outfit to church the Sunday after Thanksgiving! The weekend before he had nasty nose, so he didn't get to go. I didn't fail to notice that SEVERAL kids had their first of many Christmas outfits on while Reid was sporting the turkeys! LOL!

Like I said, getting a decent picture of him is NEARLY impossible!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that last pic of Reid is YOU!!! he is so stinkin' cute!!