Reid has suddenly started talking A LOT! He says just about every word we say. It's crazy! He says, "PEASE" for something he wants. And he usually remembers to say "TANKS" after he gets it. On the way to church each Sunday, we pass by a car dealership that has an inflatable LSU Tiger. Every Sunday, when we get off of the Interstate to go to church, he says "tiger". Today, I said, "What does the tiger say?" He growled. Then I said, "What do we say for our LSU Tigers?" He screamed, "Geaux Tigers!" I just about fell out of my seat! He does stuff like that for me all of the time, but he has NEVER done it in front of Lance. We cracked up! Last night our friends came over to watch the Saints Playoff Game. They just had a baby on December 1. He was asleep in his carrier, and all wrapped up in a blanket. Reid was fascinated by him. He went over to him and patted him and said "Baby Jesus". We laughed so hard! He has been so cute this past week! He has been really fun and easy to deal with. November through half of December he was not so pleasant. Poor baby was sick, so he was not a happy camper. But now he is back to his happy self. And all of this talking makes him sooooo fun!
He is also fascinated by heavy equipment right now. I think I am going to have a birthday party for him with that theme. He says, "Dozer" and "Excavator". The way he says both of them is so funny. He also says "Tractor" and "Dumptruck".
He recently started saying "Wyatt". It's so cute. Before that he said "Bubbie". Now he says "Wyatt" very plainly.
He continues to love to eat. He kind of lost his appetite after he was sick with strep at Thanksgiving, but it has come back in full force. He says "Bite" anytime we have food. He also says "Food" and "Snack". His favorite drinks are "Apple Juice" and "Frappe" (coffee). He is very demanding in the morning if the coffee isn't ready when he wakes up. (Yes, he drinks coffee milk every morning thanks to my dad!!!)
He is SUPER attached to his "Lovies". It's really a bad thing, but I am no where ready to break that habit yet. Sometimes he says, "I LOVIE HIM" when he talks about his lovie. He cracks me up!
He will be 22 months on the 23rd of this month. Where has the time flown by? He is so fun right now. I pray the terrible two's aren't TOO terrible!!!!