Yesterday we went for Reid's 18 month check up. He weighed 28 pounds, and he was 33 1/2 inches long. He remains around the 90th percentile for both height and weight. He got three shots yesterday. We are doing a delayed shot schedule with him, so he received Chickenpox, DTaP and Flu. We have to go back in 4 weeks for a second flu shot. I hate that for him, but it's because they included H1N1 in the flu vaccine this year, and he hasn't had one before. So he has to get two. Wyatt will get one in 4 weeks as well. Reid's appointment went great. We don't have to go back to see his pediatrician until he is TWO! That is amazing!!!

My niece had her second baby last Thursday. So, my sister-in-law went to get her 3 year old to stay in Baton Rouge for a few days. She was going to take him to the zoo and asked if I wanted to join them. We met them after Reid's doctor visit. It was Reid's first trip to the zoo, and my first trip to the Baton Rouge Zoo in many years. The weather was perfect, and both boys had a GREAT time! (I am trying to keep it a secret from Wyatt, but I will take him when he gets a day off of school in October.) I am so enjoying all of these "firsts" with Reid. For so long I resigned myself to the fact that I would never have those "firsts" again. To be given all of these opportunities again with Reid makes my heart want to burst with HAPPINESS!!!