Today my baby boy is 2 1/2 years old! I really wish that someone would slow the time down. 30 months have passed since he was born, and it literally feels like yesterday! In the same time period that has passed, he will be 5! Oh my gosh!!!
We went to the doctor last Friday for flu shots, and Reid got his MMR because I have done the delayed/staggered vaccination schedule with him. He weighed 32 pounds. I am not sure about his height. I need to measure him soon. He also wears a size 9 1/2 shoe!!! He is wearing mostly 3T clothing.
Wyatt was with us because he was out of school last Friday. He weighed at the doctor's office for fun and weighed 68 pounds! He also got a flu shot and didn't even flinch! Reid on the other hand....lots of crying followed!

He started back to MDO in the 2's class on September 7th! He goes two days a week. He fusses every day saying "I don't want to go to school." But his teacher says he LOVES it and smiles all day long!!!

He has been fully potty-trained (except for a diaper at night) for about a month now. He pretty much did it on his own, and I couldn't be more proud!!!

Things he loves at 2 1/2:
* bulldozers, excavators, and all heavy equipment
* Curious George
* cars, trains and airplanes (anything with wheels)
* candy (he is a candy HOG!)
* his MOMMA!!!
* going places to look at toys (especially Target)
* Chick fil A (he loves to play on the playground)
* being outside....his favorite thing in the world!!!
* the blanket and lovie!!! I think we will have those FOREVER :)