Two years ago I had a 1 1/2 week old newborn, and a 7 year old. I am sure thoughts were running through my mind like, "How am I ever going to manage this?" But happiness unlike any other filled my soul because I was holding this baby that some had said I would never have "naturally". Well, he was born naturally all right. It proves that God's ways are higher than ours.
Two years ago, I didn't know that you would be so wild and crazy!

Two years ago, I didn't know that you would have some super curly hair and I would wonder where in the world it came from. I didn't know that, just like your brother, your eyes would stay blue until you were 1, and then change to a color that no one can describe. They are not brown, they are not blue, they are not green!
Two years ago, I didn't know that you would be speaking in near complete sentences at the age of 2.
Two years ago, I didn't know how much you would love to GO! You hate being in the house with me. You love to be outside or on the go. However, I think I know where you got it from.....
Two years ago, I didn't know that you would love ME so much! Wyatt has always been a Daddy's boy, but you tend to be a Momma's boy so far.

Two years ago, I didn't know that you would be the exact opposite of your brother. I didn't know that you would LOVE to eat everything put in front of you, I didn't know that you would HATE to watch TV, I didn't know that you would love getting your hair cut, I didn't know that you would love the sand, and I didn't know that you would be seemingly fearless in lots of ways!

Two years ago, my heart was so full of love for the little 9 day old baby I was holding! My heart will burst if it gets any fuller with love for my 2 year old little boy and my 9 year old big boy!
Reid's 2 Year Stats:
Height 35 3/4" (can I just round that up to 36"?) LOL!
Weight 29 1/2 LBS! (I can't get over how much he has thinned out!)