Monday, April 26, 2010

Loss of Two Great Men

I am so behind on blogging. Lance's two cousins, Jacob and Trey, were killed in a traffic accident on Friday, April 9th. Life has been in a tailspin ever since.

Jacob and Trey were wonderful men. They were both 38 years old. Jacob was the father of Matt (8) and Addison (4). He was the husband to Melissa. They had been married for 11 years just like Lance and me. They were married about 6 weeks before us. Matt was born 5 weeks before Wyatt. Trey was the father-to-be of Blaize who is due in August. Trey and Mistie had just found out that they were having a boy. Trey was ecstatic to finally be a father, and he was very happy to be adding another boy to the Kiger family. Blaize will be the 17th Kiger great grandchild and the 15th boy!!!

These two have a left a hole in so many hearts. They have left behind mothers and fathers, wives, children, sisters and brothers and cousins who all loved them beyond words. The journey of grief is a long and winding road. I pray for this entire family, my extended family, daily.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where Did My Baby Go???

Last Tuesday we went to Dr. West for Reid's one year check-up. Reid has been exceptionally healthy during his first year. For that I am SOOO thankful! He actually had a bad croupy cough on the Sunday before the doctor's appointment, but by Tuesday it was better. He looks great. He started walking about one week before his birthday, so he is right on target for his milestones. He has been eating table food for a long time now, and he loves EVERYTHING. He is a huge lover of food like his MOMMA! (and DADDY too)

Reid weighed 8 lbs and 2 oz. when he was born. He weighed 25 lbs and 6 oz. last Tuesday. He is is the 75-90th percentile for weight. He was 20 inches when he was born. Last Tuesday he was 31 inches. This is also in the 75-90th percentile. So, he is consistent in both weight and height.

What a difference a year makes!!!!

Wyatt was with us for the appointment. I had already warned him that Reid would be getting a shot. He is soft-hearted when it comes to his brother. Reid cried, but it was short-lived. Wyatt loved going to Dr. West with us and telling her all about Reid's life. He is a sweet brother.

Reid is pretty much opposite of Wyatt in many aspects. As I already said, Reid loves to eat. Wyatt merely eats because I force him to. Reid WILL NOT watch TV. It is the most bizarre thing to me. At about 3 months old Wyatt started absolutely loving Veggie Tales and Baby Einstein. Baby Einstein would MESMERIZE Wyatt. Reid will not watch anything. He may watch for 2 or 3 minutes, and then that's it. Reid does love music. If he hears music playing he will start dancing. It's too cute.

He is not very verbal yet. He babbles a lot, but not many words yet. He says ma ma and da da sporadically. He says "bubba" sometimes for Wyatt. Recently he started saying "nigh nigh" for his lovies. He associates them with going night night. He waves bye bye sometimes and says bye bye. He just doesn't say anything a lot. Maybe he will be my quiet child:)